Have You Ever Been Haunted?

Written By Brooklyn

Brooklyn Dean is an obsessive-compulsive daydreamer from the Central Coast of Australia. She loves coffee, hugs, lame dad jokes and throwing her head back to laugh with her husband and two kids.

14 Jun, 2021

Have you ever been haunted? Well, have you?

For me, it’s usually an object that resonates with me. It sticks in my brain and I have the equivalent feelings of ‘buyer’s guilt’ for NOT taking it home with me. The regret is tangible.

Special objects call to me. They haunt me.

It might be a particularly gorgeous leaf or a rock, fine china or most recently, this Singer. It was the inspiration for one my character’s sartorial profession. When I began writing, I found one of these gorgeous antique Singer machines (and that wrought-iron table! just gorgeous!) at a second-hand store, three hours from home. I was immediately, physically drawn to it. I could practically see my seamster character sitting there and it gave me shivers. I immensely regretted leaving it.

Then, today, there was one just sitting on the footpath, a mere block from my house! Just waiting to be claimed! And I nonchalantly thought, ‘I’ll grab it this arvo.’ But, no. Alas, it also called to someone else.

However, third time’s the charm. Next time, Universe, I shall be ready! Bring it on!

(photo credit: Museums Victoria at https://collections.museumsvictoria.com.au/items/256741)

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