Have you ever been haunted? Well, have you?
For me, it’s usually an object that resonates with me. It sticks in my brain and I have the equivalent feelings of ‘buyer’s guilt’ for NOT taking it home with me. The regret is tangible.
Special objects call to me. They haunt me.
It might be a particularly gorgeous leaf or a rock, fine china or most recently, this Singer. It was the inspiration for one my character’s sartorial profession. When I began writing, I found one of these gorgeous antique Singer machines (and that wrought-iron table! just gorgeous!) at a second-hand store, three hours from home. I was immediately, physically drawn to it. I could practically see my seamster character sitting there and it gave me shivers. I immensely regretted leaving it.
Then, today, there was one just sitting on the footpath, a mere block from my house! Just waiting to be claimed! And I nonchalantly thought, ‘I’ll grab it this arvo.’ But, no. Alas, it also called to someone else.
However, third time’s the charm. Next time, Universe, I shall be ready! Bring it on!
(photo credit: Museums Victoria at https://collections.museumsvictoria.com.au/items/256741)