Dear writers and publishers of Australia,
Do you know that every publication ‘Down Under’ (whether it is a book, magazine, newspaper etc, whether in print or ebook format) is required to be legally deposited at the National Library of Australia AND the publisher’s State Library?
So if you self-publish a book in New South Wales, for example, you have a legal obligation to send your work to both the National Library of Australia {NLA] AND the State Library of New South Wales [SLNSW].
Not only will this preserve your work for future generations to come, adding to the history, culture and literature of Australia, but people all over the country can access your work through the Library’s systems!
Did you know that?
Most indie or self-publishing authors wouldn’t. But don’t stress- it’s a very simple process, and I’m going to help.
Now, let’s say this is your first, self-published book (YAY! GO YOU!) You wrote, edited, formatted, illustrated and covered your very own book. Now, let’s get it into Australia’s biggest library catalogues! The whole process will take about 20 minutes (if your internet doesn’t konk out like mine did).
Firstly, you’ll want to head over to the National Library of Australia’s NED deposit site. There is excellent information there, but the first thing you’ll want to do is create an account. Now, don’t get distracted (like I was, darn children!) and mess up this step #1, or someone on the back end will have to fix up your mistakes *ahem, thanks Joanne, you’re a champ*
After creating your account, the home page will give you two options:
1 – Make an edeposit (the preferred format for the NLA catalogue these days.)
2 – Manage your account. Note there is only so much you can DIY in the account settings, so if you mess up that first step, you’ll need to contact Support *again, Joanne, thank you!*
It looks like this:

Clicking ‘Make an edeposit’ will bring you to these options:

Look at all those text types that require legal deposit! Policy papers! Music scores! Who knew? I didn’t! But as my knowledge base grows, I want to share with others, so we can all grow together.
Click on ‘Monograph’. The process for uploading your edposit looks like this:

As you cruise through pages 1 – 6, you’ll have to enter the metadata for your book and how you want the file to be accessed, used and reused. It will explain everything along the way, so READ each of the steps involved.
NOTE: Intellectual property: There is a field asking whose intellectual property the work belongs to. You, as the author, own the IP. If you are using a pseudonym, that is the name you enter there, not your birth name. This data will appear on the catalogue entry, so if your nom de plume is hiding your identity for whatever reason, make sure you’re using this pen name consistently in the metadata.
Your State Library needs a copy, too!
Make sure you link to your state library, so that you also satisfy their requirement for legal deposit. Some State Libraries (such as NSW) will require both ebook and a paperback copy (if you produce paperback books), so you’ll need to post them a copy for shelving! Then, in a few weeks or months time, hunt down that copy and pose for THE BEST SELFIE EVER!
Check out your state’s requirements.
Last thing – Congrats, author. You did it!
Future generations will have access to a legacy of your tenacity and perseverance. Remember how amazing you are.
In the comments, I DARE you to drop a photo of my books at your local libraries (or you with your book, when it’s in the catalogue!)
New books in libraries are the result of REQUESTS.
So go in. Request indie books. Get them included on local library catalogues.